Mikkel Louis

Graduate Student


I recently graduated (2018) from Central Washington University with a B.S. in geology with a minor in mathematics. My research used the Magma Chamber Simulator (MCS) to model the Steens Basalt, which is the oldest member of the Columbia River Basalts. With MCS I was able to model open system processes that allowed the formation of abundant plagioclase that closed system processes could not. These models helped narrow down the parameters, such as, pressure, water content, etc. for the Steens Basalt magma chamber(s). Models were also able to differentiate between the Upper Steens and Lower Steens mineralogies. More on the Steens Basalt can be found from previous graduate students from Central Washington University (Sylvana BendaƱa, Megan Graubard, and Conner Toth) and from Oregon State University (Nicole Moore). When I am not working, I like to spend time with my family exploring new things.