I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Colorado School of Mines in the Department of Geology and Geological Engineering. My research interests include investigating the melting and crystallization history of ocean island basalts contaminated by ancient subduction using geochemistry, phase equilibria constraints, the geochemical thermodynamics of multicomponent garnets, and modeling RASFC processes using the Magma Chamber Simulator. I am also a participant of the NSF-funded ENKI project. ENKI is a collaborative, web-based model-configuration and testing portal that provides tools in computational thermodynamics and fluid dynamics. More information on the ENKI work can be found at http://enkiportal.org/May2017workshop.html. When not studying geochemistry and petrology, I like to climb, hike, ski, travel, and engage in deep discussions with my former PhD advisor at UCSB on the possibility of intelligent life in Isla Vista, California.